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Without a doubt, achieving a bigger-sized penis is possible.
In this day and age when a woman has the option to reshape her breasts on a whim – or fill her lips, change her nose, tuck her ears, or raise her lips with a simple procedure – nothing is impossible.
The truth is, people have been stretching the flaccid parts of the body since the time of the earliest recorded civilizations that it has been considered a human tradition.
Ancient people were known to stretch their earlobes, lips, nostrils, and even penises.
Likewise, people back then elongated their necks to ridiculously disproportionate lengths using neck rings.
Thus, to answer the question “Is it possible to have a bigger penis,” the answer is a resounding YES!
There is no doubt that the penis will respond to the constant application of force. It will automatically add tissues that will result in a bigger overall size.
A lot of male enhancement product manufacturers have funded studies and tests to prove this theory.
The results are mostly positive, and millions of people confirm the results through testimonials.
While not all products that guarantee positive results deliver on their promise, a high-quality product from a reputable penis extender manufacturer can deliver gains of around 1” on average.
As mentioned, clinical trials performed by credible professionals have proven that penis extenders work.
The most significant medical evidence came from a 2008 trial done by the University of Turin’s San Giovanni Battista Hospital in Italy.
The study monitored the progress of 15 patients who were made to use the device for around 4 hours each day for six months.
The penises of the participants were regularly measured, and the results were encouraging. The men showed an average penis size increase of 1.7 cm when erect, and 2.3 cm when flaccid.
The majority of the medical community has accepted the results as preliminary proof of the efficiency of male enhancement devices.
However, it must be noted that while a corresponding increase in penile girth was observed, the gain was deemed insignificant in relation to the reported increase in penis length.
There are lots of interested players in the industry of penis enhancement. Thus, you can expect that more research and clinical tests will be done in the future.
At this point, however, it is already safe to assume that elongating the penis is possible – easily, safely, and even without surgical procedures.
After all, the male enhancement devices currently available on the market are backed by more than two decades of continuous research and development efforts.
These products are therefore expected to be more innovative and able to properly address most of the common side effects linked to the use of the devices.
Because more research and development are currently being done, one can only expect even better products and treatments in the future.
More affordable, more convenient, and safer penis enhancement methods are forthcoming.